Saturday, August 9, 2008

I won $50 in Paraiso Philippines Forum

Yes, it is true, I won $50 by posting on Paraiso Philippines Forum.. Here are the proof:

I'm so tired, posting in a forum for 12 hours is not a joke... But it's worth it... $50 is still $50..

Do you want to be a winner like me? Do you want to join the fun? Paraiso Philippines Forum has another contest. You want to know more, click on the badge below.


  1. Congrats Iris! Sulit na sulit no?

  2. wow! that's something! now you have to teach me to get into those forums. :-) you deserve it! God bless you more! ;-)

    sis, can we exchange links with this site of mine? Let me know if it's ok with you.
    Jennie of Handy Tips and Hints

  3. congrats sis, burger, burger, burger....
