Thursday, July 31, 2008

What's Your Mankind Motto?

NCsoft has announced Operation Immortality, a once in a lifetime event in history of mankind. It's goal is to save humanity's greatest achievements, digitized human DNA and personal messages from people all over the world.

The man who created Tabula Rasa, Richard Garriot, will travel the space to save humanity from extinction. He will place the "Immortality Drive", a time capsule with the digitized DNA of select video game players and space aficionados, on the International Space Station in October 2008.

And I'm proud to say that I am part of the Operation Immortality. I just registered on their site, pick up a free trial of Tabula Rasa, then I left my message for the universe, and I was given a Code 284.

I chose Anne Frank's quote “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” because I believe this is the truth. How could the world not be a better place when we start at home to make it that way. For me, it means in our own little ways we can improve the word by being a good person, by trying to help someone in need and by sharing our story. Also, I believe that everyone can help to improve the world and humanity. So, I challenge each and everyone to go out today and make a difference in the world, no matter how small.

Be a part of the Operation Immortality by:
1. Submitting your suggestions for humanity's greatest achievements
2. Leaving your message for the universe
3. Registering for a chance to have your DNA sent into space

If you want to be a part of Operation Immortality: Leave your mark. Save Humanity or to know more about my Code 284, visit now.

Sponsored by Operation Immortality

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