Saturday, September 6, 2008

Earnings for July and August

July 2008

Contest - $25
Donation - $2
Total Income = $27
Approximately Php 1,188

August 2008

Paid to Promote (Chen)- $0.40
Ghost Writing For Others - $88.00
Donation - $2.00
IZEA, Inc. - $132.87
Contest (Paraiso Philippines) - $50
oDesk- $19.00
SponsoredReview - $3.25
Bloggerwave - $10.00
Total Income = $302.27
Approximately Php 13,299.88

Total Income for the month of July and August 2008
Total Income = $329.27
Approximately Php 14,487.88

Before, I did not believe that there is money in blogging. But now, I'm really convinced that blogging really pays. So, if you decided to earn money through blogging, you may want to join the following:

The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk



  1. Wow, sis! tsk tsk....Congats!

  2. wow mommy! that's a great income. yeah me too before i began monetizing, it seems i don't believe bt now that am really receiving it and have used it, totoo pala ano?

    hugss sis. am happy for u. :)

  3. wow! in just two months! you've gone a long way sis.. congrats :)

    i hope ma achieve ko rin yan :)

  4. wow...lots of moolah!

  5. wow, i really envy you. hehe. anyway, is oDesk ok? are they not too strict or anything? thanks.. :)

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  6. am curious about oDesk din. I've heard about it from a friend. how does it work ba?
