Saturday, November 22, 2008

BDJ Planner 2009 Giveaway

With so many events line up for next year, I can't remember all those dates. I need an organizer to pencil in all my schedules. Luckily, I saw on Milet's blog that she's giving away two BDJ PLANNER to two lucky bloggers who would blog about her contest and answered her question correctly.

BDJ PLANNERHere's her question:
What are the names (please include the url) of my four blogs? Easy right? In fact you can see the answer on the left sidebar.
So here are my answers:
This contest is open to all. Winners will be announced on November 30, 2008. If you want to join, please click this link:

I really want this planner. So, wish me luck!

Written By Aeirin

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