Would you allow your child to go out on a date at an early age (as early as 16)? What do you think you’d feel about it if one day your child would ask you “Ma, can I got out on Friday night with….?When I was still young, my mom always tells me not to go on a date or to have a boyfriend until I'm 18 years old. But since she has a "pasaway" or hard headed daughter, I did not listen to her. I had my first relationship when I was in 6th grade, I was only 12 years old. Though it was just a puppy love.
I had my serious relationship when I was in college. One of my college days, my mom talked to me about having a boyfriend. She told me she would allow me to have a relationship as long as I'll introduce the guy to her, so I did. I was expecting she will accept my boyfriend, but it did not happen. On that same day and in front of my boyfriend, she hit me with an umbrella, she dragged me to my room and she said so many hurtful words to me. I was grounded for a week. She took my cellphone, my phone, even my PC. Because of so much hate and confusion, I left the house when they were asleep. I said to myself, I will never go back to that house again. But after a few days, they were begging for me to go home. We had a talk and after a few days, my mom and I are in good terms again.
To tell you honestly that experience haunt me for a long time. I guess I was traumatized on that experience, because my next relationships were all in secret. I was afraid to tell my mom. I envied those girls who can talk to their moms about their boyfriend. There was a time, I broke up with my boyfriend and I had no one to talk to about it. I wanted to tell my mom about my problem but I can't. I know she was just worrying about me, and I don't hate her. She made me a better person.
But from that traumatic experience, I promised to myself that if I'll have a daughter, I want her to be open with me. I want to be her best friend so she can tell everything to me. If she has a problem, she can talk to me so i can give her some advices. So to answer the question, I say yes. With proper guidance, I will allow my daughter to go on a date at an early age.

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