Among all the flirting techniques, the non-verbal signals are far better indicators of how a person feels about you than anything they may actually say verbally. Non-verbal flirting techniques are often used by women. Simply because stating intentions and feelings verbally involves a high risk of embarrassment or possible rejection.
There are many non-verbal flirting techniques, and you can choose ones that work best for you. Combination of eye contact and smile is one of the non-verbal flirting techniques that I used and still using with my husband.

This combination (glance and smile) is an excellent way to let someone know that you are interested in him or her, approachable, and friendly. I know most of you will agree that this is the easiest non-verbal communication technique available for meeting new people and starting conversations. I know this because it works for me.
Another tried and tested flirting technique is your gesture. The gestures we use can signal interest, attraction and invitation – or discomfort, dislike and rejection. Hair-flipping is the most common gestures of non-verbal flirting for women.
So, always ready your Victory Hair and flirty techniques because you'll never know when the right person comes along.
Remember, flirting is all about feeling great and having fun. And speaking of fun, I've been playing this game called Extreme Style by VO5's Ultimate Flirting Championship. I actually had so much fun playing this game. So what are waiting for? Just click on the widget below and start playing the game.

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