I don't remember when or how I joined Pinay Mommies Community (PMC). But let me try to refresh my memory. All I can remember... I was blog hopping, and I stumbled on one of the PMC member's blog. I noticed the badge that says "Proud Member of Pinay Mommies Community". To be honest, I ignore it at first. Because I'm not yet a mom... I continued my blog hopping, and I can still see those badges. Because of my curiosity, I clicked on the badge, was directed to PMC site. I was so excited to see that as long as you're a married Filipina, you may join PMC. That's how I joined PMC.
I even remember asking Mommy Ruby, founder of PMC and my mentor in blogging, if I can have my own PMC bagde. After a few days, I already have this.
I started my blogging life as nothing. But with PMC, I'm already existing in the blog world. I learned so much from the PMC's mommies, from widgets to my journey to motherhood.
What I love about PMC is the weekly fest wherein every member are encourage to join and win some stuff. So if you're a Pinay Mom or Wife, join us and register here.
And since Mommy Ruby celebrated her birthday lasy July 25, I have something for you.. Hope you like it mommy...

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