So what it?
Well, it's a website that basically allows freelancers to find jobs and businesses to find freelancers, but its a lot more than just a job site or a matching service.
Since I'm a provider, I'll just talk about the providers or the freelancers offering their services.
As a provider, the first thing you must do when starting with oDesk is to build your profile and resume, this is easy to do as you simply fill it in on screen with the usual stuff you have in your CV, employment history, education, personal profile etc.
After siging up, you need to download the smart bit of the website which will actually be used to track your work. This piece of software will automatically track the work you do and generates invoices for you, its all automated so no time cards to submit. oDesk actually guarantees that you will be paid for all hourly rate jobs you do.
In order to be ready to apply for jobs you need to take an online test to ensure you are full able to use the software. There are also many other free tests available to providers covering all kind of kings such as English language tests, email etiquette tests, Windows skills, some jobs will specify you need to pass these tests to apply.
The high quality of providers is on thing that oDesk holds above competition, but it really shines once you have selected a provider to work with. oDesk uses web cams and screen-capturing technology on the providers side to monitor the progress of work being done. The online contracting business has long had issues of distrust and the project management and monitoring technologies in oDesk certainly alleviate that. Companies were able to watch and communicate with their provider using a web cam, which solidified the relationship which was only days old.
Although most oDesk opportunities are in web development, there is often work available in game development, mobile applications, standard desktop applications, QA, web design, data entry and technical writing as well.
The providers are primarily from India, Russia, Ukraine, US, Philippines and Canada, and there are currently 255 job openings in the system. oDesk is also unique in that it doesn’t fix the cost of a project, instead charging an hourly rate, which allows the project manager to use the providers as required. For it’s part of the process, oDesk takes a commission on hours charges, and currently tens of thousands of hours are being charged out each month.
If you want to work from home, The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk is a great way to accomplish it.
Here is the proof that I got paid by oDesk:

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