Sunday, October 12, 2008


I'll be out this evening for a "pamamanhikan". Pamamanhikan (Climbing for Love) is a Filipino tradition where the man and his parents visit the woman’s family and ask for her parents blessings to marry their daughter. Pamamanhikan comes from the word "panik" which means to ascend or to climb a house’s flight of stairs. This custom symbolizes honor and respect for the parents, seeking their blessing and approval before getting married. It is also at this time that the wedding date is formally set, and the couple become engaged to get married.

Anyway, my cousin will get married  to her long time boyfriend on December 9, 2008.  I'll be the one to make their audio-visual presentation.  Also, she's asking for my help in planning her wedding.  If you don't know, I'm a frustrated wedding planner too.  

So, I have to get ready now.  It's already 5 in the afternoon. I'll be back later.  See you guys.

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