Saturday, May 17, 2008

Before promoting your blog?

Before you start promoting your blog to the rest of the world, take a closer look at your digital creation and ask yourself if you do offer:

1) Enough interesting content?
Web surfers surf the net to find interesting material that will serve their need. Do you offer worthwhile information to your visitors like great articles, links, tips, tricks, free reports etc...

2) Something for free?
Web surfers are like kids. If you're not giving them something you're missing the whole point. People love to get something for free. It'll feel like their time isn't spent lost. If they get some benefit, they'll tell their friends, and that's the beginning of an off line promotion campaign. Give away E-books, offer your visitors an Email Course, or a discount when they buy your product or service, anything. Offer freebies in your advertisements to get that much desired click! Your offer must relate to your sites subject!

3) Changing Content?
Try toput something new on your site once a week. This can be a new resource, or a valuable Ebook or report that you wrote. Make it worth for your visitors to return, and announce the updates in your newsletter.

4) A pretty layout?
Compress or optimize your images, to make a better download. Your home page should be 40K or less in file size -this including graphics, so put away those blinkers, spinners, scrolling marquees, sounds, counters, plug-ins, JavaScript Pop-Up Windows, etc...

Check your background. Can you read the text, or do you need a special pair of glasses to decipher the black text form the purple background? Keep it simple!

5) Easy to use navigation?
Can your visitors get to point A from point B without getting lost? It's important to use easy navigation. If your site is getting more complicated by time, use a site map or a search function to simplify things.

6) Well designed Title and Meta Tags?
Are your keywords placed correctly in your Title tag? Do you take advantage of your meta description tag? Not all search engines use Meta tags but you need them for those that do. It will rank you higher.

7) External Links on your Home Page?
If you think a storefront should have a choice of doors that lead to your competitors,
then you're probably to good hearted for this business, no?

8) Correct typography and grammar?
Many web pages contain spelling and grammatical errors. Your copy should be a reflection on your professionalism and your attention to detail (or lack of it.)

9) Broken links are annoying, frustrating and unprofessional. Don't make your visitors mad because you waste their precious time.

10) Loading graphics?
Missing graphics are all over the Web -very "unprofessional" if not unacceptable!

Only if you have honestly answered yes to these questions, then you can seriously start promoting.

A well designed and fast loading site that helps and informs will draw traffic.

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