And for that, I would like to thank the following:
Aispinay taught me a lot about blogging (social bookmarking, adsense, css codes, page elements, traffics and more). She was the first visitor of my blog... Thank you and I miss you. We haven't talk in a while.
Trixie (my cousin): Thanks for sharing Kuler (that's where I got my color scheme), and for making my banner for free...
Zriz: Thanks for the Blog Buster site, it really helps me a lot. Also, thanks for the buzz.
Mommy Ruby: Thank you for making PMC (a great community for Filipina Mommy Bloggers and Friends.) I gain so many friends with PMC. Thanks for including me in your projects like Pexlinks Triple Love; for giving me codes for my site, for the money-making-sites, and for editing my badge.
Lastly, I would like to thank all of my loving blogger friends that made my blogging life worth blogging for.

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