I woke up today with a big headache, and I was not in the mood for blogging. But of course, as a habit, I checked my emails and my blog. I noticed Zriz note in my shout box, saying "She buzzed me". My first recation was.... "what is she talking about?" (Sorry Zriz, I am not really myself today). So I checked her blog, and then I remember, ohhh I requested her to buzz my blog. Zriz is offering to BUZZ a blog for free. She is reviewing one (1) random blog every week. And.... She is giving away 50 free EntreCard credits each week for the lucky blog that she will Buzz! Cool, right? So if you want to be BUZZED? Click here.
Here's her review on my blog:
Aeirin's Collections authored by Irish. Mommy Irish, as I call her is a ardent blogger with her blog showcasing her love of blogging and of life. I got to know her when I joined one of those blog tags and meme's and we quickly became online friends (I think!). She has helped me with some codes for my blog and is always there to lend a hand when you need it.Mommy Irish's name numerology states that "[her] talents center in humanistic interests and approaches. [She] likes to help others as [she] was intended to be the 'big sister' type. [She] operates best when [she] follows [her] feelings and sense of compassion, and allow [herself] to be sensitive to the needs of others. [She] works well with people, and has the potential to inspire. Creative ability, imagination and artistic talent of the highest order are present in this expression." I believe this completely describes Mommy Irish.
Her blog Aeirin's Collections also showcases her outgoing and creative personality. From recipes, daily experiences, and funny videos and pictures, you name it! I love her label "Only in the Philippines" since it shows random pictures about signs and such found in the Philippines.
This is one blog that I always love to check everyday!

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