A dependable resource full of tips, practical guides, and how-to articles to save money, cut expenses, lower bills, shop smarter and enjoy frugal living.
Proud Mommy
Proud Mommy of two wonderful kids and a wifey to a very responsible man. A day to day account of a full time mom and wife.
Our goal is to stuff your appetite for entertainment news and gossip with the most up to date juice that we can load on the page.
Wonderful Things in Life
This blog is all about everything like encouragements, family, arts, my awards, health tips, entertainment, travel, blogging, business and etc.
Momma Wannabe
In this blog I would like to share everything I will encounter in this journey to motherhood.I hope you can come and join the fun and drama of it all.
Brown Pinay
Proud Filipina blogger.
The Painted Veil
A place to seek peace and harmony.In hopes of reaching out across boundaries that seek to destroy harmony from within and also globally. I do this through the use of art,photography,writing and humor. A bag of diverse content always reflective of positivity. I love a variety of subjects and am open to almost any advert. Just as long as your blog has positive and informative information. I will not accept any blogs that are filled with prejudice and/or negative content. Thanks for understanding.
A blog which contains random stuff of the author's interest.
Crimson Heavens
The blog of an insane Filipina, suffering from Mad-Programmer-Syndrome.
Praning's Shoutout
Dates a no-nonsense person's interests and other random thoughts like odd but true facts, humor/jokes and funny pics.

thanks Aeirin for the linky love...