Below is a message from Jim Ayson to the CIRCUS Yahoo! Groups…
Hi guys - I got a message from Sancho saying Ely’s mom died this morning - went into a cardiac arrest after surgery. The guy is in grief so prayers, condolences for the man might be in order to give him strength and solace. Those of you who have lost parents know what I mean.Condolence to Ely and to his family
But according to TV Patrol, the concert will push through. Though the concert will not for free anymore because Philip Morris backed out from sponsoring the concert due to violation of:
RA9211 - An Act Regulating The Packaging, Use, Sale Distribution and Advertisements of Tobacco Products and for Other Purposes
Now, the reunion concert tickets is FOR SALE through Ticketworld.

Eraserheads: The Reunion | |
The Fort Open Field - August 30, 2008 8PM
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