If you have something for me (message, tags, memes, etc), just leave a message here. Thanks
Cash is offered via paypal or alertpay
For Place 1 :
25 $ hard cash + Bonus Gift
For Place 2 :
20 $ hard Cash + Bonus Gift
For Place 3 :
15 $ Hard Cash + Bonus gift
Bonus Gifts Based on points:
Contest Open Till : September 30 , 2008.
Contest Prize announcement : October 02 , 2008.
For more information please visit: Contest at Techtod.com
The object is to complete each of the following snippets. I have included the blank ones at the end of this post so they can easily be copied and pasted
Participants: Startin’ A New Life, Too / All Things Me / Because Life Is Fun / Feels Like Home / My Happy Place / Iam Dzoi / Suburban Sass / To the Moon and Back / Raising Sandy / Momma Stuff | We are Family / Etc Atbp / Aeirin's Collections / Your Blog
I am: a proud Pinay wife.
I think: I can be successful as a SAHW
I know: someday we will have babies
I have: faith in God
I wish:to have a baby soon
I hate: breaking ups
I miss: my family
I fear: of losing someone I love
I hear: music playing on my winamp.
I smell: fried bacon.
I crave: sweets.
I search: my desktops for images
I wonder: what would be my life if I marry my ex.
I regret: not taking a vacation last summer
I love: my life, my husband and my family.
I ache: whenever I remember bad memories.
I am not: perfect.
I believe: everything happens for a reason.
I dance: when I like doing so
I sing: in the shower.
I cry: when I'm stressed.
I fight: for what is right.
I win: some.
I lose: some.
I never: thought I will get married at my ideal age of getting married.
I always: try understanding my husband.
I confuse: what is real or not.
I listen: to my heart most of the time.
I can usually be found: at home.
I am scared: dogs.
I need: my husband's support.
I am happy about: my life.
I imagine: myself as a mom.
Here are the rules:
1. Only 5 people are allowed to receive this award.
2. Four (4) of them are followers of your blog.
3. One has to be new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
4. You must link back to who ever gave you the award.
I will give this award to:
Pinay Mommy
Etc atbp
Mommy Elvz
Mommy Arlene
Hi guys - I got a message from Sancho saying Ely’s mom died this morning - went into a cardiac arrest after surgery. The guy is in grief so prayers, condolences for the man might be in order to give him strength and solace. Those of you who have lost parents know what I mean.Condolence to Ely and to his family
Eraserheads: The Reunion | |
The Fort Open Field - August 30, 2008 8PM
Cherry’s Comfort Zone
Thinking Out Loud
DigiScrapz: Captured Memories
Buzzy Me
Wishing and Hoping
Fab Finds, Etc.
{Start Copy}
“You are never a burden.. don’t ever think that. Friends need each other to pick them up when they are down and I would do nothing less. ” Dawn Drover~ Twisted Sister
A Million Dollar Friend is the kind of person who instinctively knows what it means to be a good friend; this kind of person makes you look forward to the days ahead and fondly remember the days that have passed. - A Nice Place In The Sun
A million dollar friend is someone who not only pulls you up when you’re down, but also always finds a way to not let you fall. - Abelle, Only in Silence
“A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down” ~Arnold Glasow- Vhiel, Can of Thoughts
“ A Million Dollar Friend is a person that is always with you on your happy moments and still loves you in your moment of darkness. ~ Eds, My Precious Niche
“A Million Dollar Friend is a person who comes and won’t judge a flower by its color.
A person who will never give up on you.
A person who will comfort you when storms of tears are in your mind.
A person who will just have some fun with you and give you a good laugh.’
A person that doesn’t mind expressing their happy or sad feelings to you. ~Yen, Me and MineA million dollar friend is:
—one that sticks with you through thick and thin
—someone who does not judge you for anything foolishness you do
—someone who cries with you, smiles with you, and even go to war with you.
—one who tells U everything iwill be alright even though it feels like it’s not goin to be alright anymore.
—someone who wipes your tears but even at times the one that makes you cry but you still know that through it all, you can still run to each other anytime. - Arlene - JOYS IN LIFE.A million dollar friend:
- is one who helps you see the truth, even if it hurts.
- is always by your side
- puts a smile on your face even when you are feeling down
- is someone who listens and hears what you have to say
- will feel your presence whether near or far
Iris - Aeirin's CollectionsYou Here! Post your nominees and tell the world what a million dollar friend to you means. That’s it!
–end copy here.
My Million Dollar friends are:
Mommy Ruby: My partner in crimes. I've only known Mommy Ruby for almost 2 months but our bonding is different. I feel like she's part of my family. And I'm thankful I got a friend like her.
Mommy Mitch: Another Taurean like me. A very warmhearted and loving friend. I always enjoy our conversation. She's fun to talk to.
Mommy Zriz: Though she's busy with her review, she never fails to greet her friends including me or drop by our blogs. We have a lot in common, maybe that's one of the reason I enjoy chatting with her.